Tuesday 12 March 2013

I have definetly come a LONG way in the last 3 hours!!

Holy Cow. Two hours ago I didn't think I'd ever be able to do what I've done today! This is great! It keeps getting easier and easier! Now i know what I'm capable of, I can begin to develop some ideas for my folio for this semester. I really think I'd like to look in to possibly getting a MAC (somehow)..!
So this is my progress from today, hopefully I can find some time to finish it off this week, and upload the completed image. I'd like to do two versions, I will do one as a copy of the original colors from the image on the blog, then I think I'd like to experiment to create something Pop-arty, inspired by Andy Warhol..

I guess you will have to wait and see what I come up with!

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