Monday 25 March 2013

Assessment 1 - Proposal

This semester in Introduction to Digital Art, I intend to create various artworks using various digital media tools, relating to nature. I particularly wish to focus on plants, such as trees and flowers, and the life cycle of these plants. I believe that nature is so beautiful, which always tends to be represented at a very igh standard (nature in its most beautiful form), such as flowers in full bloom, or big, luscious trees.  I will be aiming to represent nature in all stages of life, including death.
In everyday life, the beauty of a simple rose can easily be overlooked. I know that personally I do not have time to appreciate the beauty of nature as much as I would like to.

This semester I will have four refined artworks:
Illustrator -- I plan to create an abstract/zoom view of a rose.
Photoshop -- I will have a set of 3 images depicting the life cycle of a plant:
1. A half-half comparison of a tree in full bloom and a bare, dead tree.
2. A piece with three stages of a flower - bloom to death.
3. An image of a small sprout with a faded image of the large tree it will become in the background.
Collage -- I would like to create the image of a flower using cropped images of multiple flowers.
Video -- I plan to create a stop-motion/time lapse clip of a solitary rose dying.

Digital Art will be the best way of creating these artworks, as I will have the tools to enhance my images and create art that would a) take a substantial amount of time to create  if done by hand, and b) would not have the same effect if I were to draw or paint them.

I will be presenting my artwork on a projector screen. This will be the best way to present as my artworks will look as vibrant as they are intended to be - as on the computer. I will be using the equipment provided in the class room to present.

For my folio this semester, I am drawing inspiration from Marc Garrison. I love the way he blends nature with digital art, creating vibrant, unique images.
He has a full collection of his work on his website:
but here are a few of my favourites:
I absolutely LOVE the colours in this image! The position of the flower is just right.
I like the image of the flower more than the effect here. I love that the petals are just a little wilted and odd.
This is something I could see hanging in my lounge room! I love the bare, twisted branches here, and the black and white contrast works so well with the splash of colour in the background!

I will use these works as inspiration, aiming to create beautiful artworks from my sketches and photos.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

I have definetly come a LONG way in the last 3 hours!!

Holy Cow. Two hours ago I didn't think I'd ever be able to do what I've done today! This is great! It keeps getting easier and easier! Now i know what I'm capable of, I can begin to develop some ideas for my folio for this semester. I really think I'd like to look in to possibly getting a MAC (somehow)..!
So this is my progress from today, hopefully I can find some time to finish it off this week, and upload the completed image. I'd like to do two versions, I will do one as a copy of the original colors from the image on the blog, then I think I'd like to experiment to create something Pop-arty, inspired by Andy Warhol..

I guess you will have to wait and see what I come up with!

Week 3, tracing a template with the Tablet

OKAY! So this is my attempt at doing a trace and fill (using live trace/fill). I think I went pretty well, if I say so myself. I just need to make sure that I'm creating looped sections so I can fill it. As you may notice on the top section of the eye I had to use the paint brush to fill that part because before i did my live trace I didn't have that section closed off. If I'm making no sense, at least I know what I'm talking about so I know for next time!

I wish I had a Mac to do this stuff at home, but unfortunately I'm not swimming in money, so that's out of the picture.. I'll just need to schedule some spare time in my week (as scarce as it is), to come in and do some extra work.. 

Anyhoo, I'm going to now give the super scary template of the artwork by Opie from the blog a go now..


Week 2, Illustrator is driving me mad!

Okay, so I tried using Illustrator for the first time, and tried to save and upload a picture, but didn't save it in the right format, which is quite ironic because it was a screenshot to show the world how much I suck at using MAC's and Illustrator!
And then I couldn't log into my blog, so I'm posting this in week 3  -.-
Technology WILL become  my friend at the end of this course. 
I wont start talking about this week yet, but I'll give you a sneak peek, I LOVE THE WACOM TABLET!

So, I'll post again soon, hopefully this time with an image of what I've been up to!