Tuesday 21 May 2013

Final Folio

Just in case for some reason my DVD doesn't want to work due to my abusive relationship with technology, here is a back up of all my work.
Please do not judge me on my stop motion film making abilities, I seemed to struggle with something I hadn't anticipated that I would have.
But anyway, I'm really happy with my other 5 artworks, so I'm not completely dissapointed!
Enjoy :)
My very first Illustrator piece, created from my own sketch!

                                              Photoshop Image 1

                                                Photoshop Image 2
Photoshop Image 3
Collage Piece
                                                           Stop Motion Film

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Photoshop Pieces

Here is a selection of images I have used to create two of my other photoshop pieces.

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Working on my photoshop pieces..

Some progress shots..

Editing my collage

Really like this effect here.. can't remember exactly how I did it, but i LOVE it :)
i think im happy to say this is the completed image.
just playing ariund with some filters..

Collage completed

Voila! My Collage :) Or my interpretation of a collage..
It turned out prety much exactly as I was hoping!
I adjusted the colours a little, pretty much just making the image a little more vibrant, but wanted to keep the colours realistic.

Collage in Photoshop

Here is just a small selection of the images I used to create my photoshop collage. I have used phtoshop may times before, so I had a really cler idea in my head of what i was trying to achieve..

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Illustrator Piece

Here is my Illustrator piece :)

I am really happy with the way it turned out! At first I wasn't sure about how I would manage with the colours, trying to make it look right, but the more I look at it, the more I like it !!
I have a sketch at home which I played around with colours. but I forgot to scan it in. So I'll upload it later I think.
But yeah.. ta-dah! all done!
Looking forward to my photoshop pieces. I have used photoshop before, so I'm pretty confident I'll be able to figure out what I need to do!
Until next time :)